#86 – Quarantine Fitness: Staying In Shape When You Can’t Go to the Gym

The world is on lockdown at the moment as we deal the COVID-19 pandemic, and that means many are stuck at home without access to a gym. We’re not letting that slow down the gainzzz train though! Today Coach Darin and Coach Trent discuss ways to keep training and stay fit, with little or no equipment.


Our thoughts are with everyone in the 40fit Nation that is struggling during this time, and we urge everyone that is able to keep training and stay strong. We hope that your workouts can be a sanctuary and a positive time of your day.


We will be posting 20 “quarantine fitness” workouts you can do at home via the 40fit Newsletter. So if you’re not signed up yet, head over to www.40fit.com and sign up for the newsletter there!


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