#105 – Fresh Eyes: The Importance of Getting New Perspectives on Your Training

Consistency is the key to progress in fitness and nutrition, and that often means doing the same thing workout to workout (ensuring you have a logical progression built into your training program) for long periods of time. Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint, after all. But sometimes the slow, steady nature of training creates the possibility for creep — for trainees, technique or “form creep,” and for coaches, coaching creep, or simply losing perspective on the goals and programming for the trainee.


So, how do avoid creep in your training? Get a coach, if you don’t  have one, even if it’s just a one-time session every few months. For those who have a coach, or have been coached in the past, seek out new perspectives from time to time. Coach Darin and Trent often share their experiences in the gym with other coaches, and reach out to their colleagues for help when they struggle. Interacting with other lifters and athletes in the community is not only useful for sharing solutions to training problems, it’s fun and helps you to feel connected to a bigger purpose.



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