What if you just don’t like exercise? What if you have trouble sticking with anything physically hard? How do overcome these hurdles? Not everyone falls in love with training, and that’s OK. You can still enjoy the health and physique benefits of training! Strength coach and accomplished Master’s lifter Charity Hambrick talks about some strategies for helping the reluctant trainee integrate training into their life and daily habits.
We have to do many things we don’t always enjoy, Charity points out, like going to work, paying taxes, doing yard work. We do these things because we understand that, even though they are unpleasant in the moment, they bring us pleasure or provide some benefit in the future (or at the very least help us avoid negative consequences, like the IRS knocking on your door). We often call these tasks “chores” for a reason.
Fitness is no different. Yes, some people just love to train, and derive a lot of pleasure from the process. But if you’re not one of those people, you may not realize that just because sometimes loves training, they don’t ALWAYS love training in the moment. Serious athletes are human, too, and have plenty of days they wake up and don’t want to. The difference is they have integrated their training schedules tightly into their daily routine, so there are few barriers to doing it anyway, even when they don’t feel like it.
One of Charity’s goals as a coach is to help trainees weave training into their life in a harmonious way. Training should be something that adds to their life, not distracts. To that end, not everyone needs to be a serious athlete and push their training program to the maximum — it’s perfectly fine to run a modest linear progression, then develop a schedule that gets them lifting, conditioning, and doing fun physical activity regularly. The key is making training part of the daily routine.
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