40fit Goes LIVE!

Two more repsTwo years of work and here we are! Welcome to what I hope will become the premier site of resources for fitness, lifestyle and community for masters athletes. If you are visiting our community for the first time, don’t be scared. If you read the words “masters athlete” you might have said to yourself, “but I’m not a masters athlete, maybe this site isn’t for me.” Wrong. If you have a desire to improve or start your fitness journey, get involved in a great community and have that impact your lifestyle, you are at the right place! Everyone is an athlete at the game of life, but our goal is to expand that to encompass a sustainable fitness program that improves longevity, performance and your quality of life.

As you scan the site, check out the community tab, which will be a great meeting place for the discussion of the blog topics and also for general questions regarding the topical areas presented. We will expand that listing as we can.

Several blog posts will be posted here on the homepage but if you want a history of the blogs, go to the blog tab and you can look up older posts.

Also, click on the find out more, newsletter

If you have a desire to get better, you’re at the right place! We will cover all things fitness, community and lifestyle from a science, evidence, anecdotal and experiential perspective. Your input into the blog comments, forum and other social media venues such as facebook, twitter and instagram will drive the site content and interaction. So, be a part of the community and speak up!

Coach D


One Comment

  1. Willie Villarreal May 19, 2014 at 7:28 am - Reply

    Hi, buddy. Glad to see the site is up. Looks great. Will definitely be a daily visit on my computer. Take care and see ya soon!

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